Tuesday, February 21, 2017

IPL Story - Kristin Fornito

February 2016 we found out that we were pregnant. I am 31 years old. We were so excited! It was my first pregnancy (my husband has children already). I was so very sick during the pregnancy. I’ll never forget that anytime I told the doctor/nurses about the sickness that they all had the same response: “being sick is actually a very good sign.”It was funny, but reassuring at the same time.
We went for our 12 week appointment where we were going to have our first ultra sound to finally see the baby and hear the heartbeat. The appointment was on April 21st. I remember googling what 12 week ultra sounds look like so I would know what to expect. My friend had suggested that I drink a little bit of soda prior to the appointment because she said then the baby would be more active during the

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

IPL Story - Kristen Ayling

January 4, 2011 is a date that I will always remember with sadness. I was 15 weeks pregnant and very excited to expand our family. We had our 2-year-old daughter make the announcement on our Christmas Cards just a few weeks before; she was holding a sign that read “Big Sister” on it. We had reached the safety of the 12-week mark, so we felt comfortable sharing our news.

Tuesday, January 10, 2017


Have you experienced a miscarriage?  Would you be willing to talk about your experience?  

We are recruiting women for our online survey to share their pregnancy loss experiences. The purpose of this research study is to understand the coping strategies women and their partners utilize in dealing with involuntary pregnancy loss (IPL) and the impact IPL has on their relationship. Your participation in this survey should last no longer than 30 minutes.

If interested, please click on the link below to begin.
